Exposure to bacterial antigens during the course of an infection causes the body to produce antibodies that can cause an agglutination when combined with the homologous "in vitro" (direct serum agglutination).
Widal Reaction (for Salmonellosis): Serologic test by which it is possible to detect the presence of anti- somatic antigen O or antigen-flagellant H antibodies in the serum of patients who have come into contact with Salmonella typhi and/or Salmonella paratyphi A and B. The presence of antibodies with titers from 1:80 to 1:160 must be considered suspicious.
Wright Reaction (for Brucellosis): Serologic test by which it is possible to detect the presence of anti- brucellosis antibodies in the serum of patients who have come into contact with Brucella abortus, B.melitensis, B.suis. The presence of antibodies with titers from 1:80 to 1:160 should be considered suspect.
Kit typologies:
Cod.K.200 Pack: 6 x 5 ml 600 TEST
Suspension are contained in dropper vials.
- S. Typhi -O
- S. Typhi -H
- S. Typhi TOT.
- S. Paratyphi-A
- S. Paratyphi-B
- Brucella
- + Control
- - Control
Cod.K.203 Pack: 6 x 5 ml 600 TEST
Suspension are contained in dropper vials.
- S. Typhi -O
- S. Typhi -H
- S. Paratyphi A
- S. Paratyphi B
- Brucella abortus
- Brucella Melitensis
- + Control
- - Control
- Microplates