
TSC Agar Base (ISO 15213:2003)


TSC Agar Base (ISO 15213:2003)


T.S.C AGAR is a selective medium for the isolation of Clostridium perfringens in foods (ENI EN ISO 15213-2 / R. ISTISAN 96/35 Met. 15) and in water (R. ISTISAN 07/5 Met. A005B - ​​ISO 14189)

The basic medium complete with supplements is called TRYPTOSE SULPHITE CYCLOSERINA AGAR (T.S.C.), in accordance with the Standard Methods:

  • UNI EN ISO 15213-2:2024 and ISTISAN 96/35 MET. 15 for the isolation of Clostridium perfringens from foods.
  • R. ISTISAN 07/5 MET A005B – ISO 14189 for the isolation of Clostridium perfringens from water.

T.S.C. Agar Base can be made selective by adding T.S.C. Supplement (Cod. 76.075) for the ISTISAN 96/35 MET methods. 15 - R. ISTISAN 07/5 MET A005B - ​​UNI EN ISO 7937:2005.

Or with the addition of T.S.C. Supplement (Cod. 76.075) + Egg Yolk Emulsion (Cod. 76.000) for searching for stressed clostridia.


  • Cod. 70.912 Pack. 500 g
  • Cod. 71.912 Pack. 100 g
  • Cod. 90.060 Pack. 10 test tubes 22 ml + T.S.C. Supplement, ready to use for the preparation of petri plates
  • Cod. 60.82V Pack. 20 plates ø 60 mm + T.S.C Supplement + Egg Yolk Emulsion, ready to use
  • Cod. 14.0314V Pack. 20 plates ø 90 mm + T.S.C Supplement + Egg Yolk Emulsion, ready to use
  • Cod. 60.83V Pack. 20 plates ø 60 mm + T.S.C Supplement, ready to use


  • Rapporti ISTISAN 96/35 Prima parte_ Met. 15 Numerazione di Clostridium perfringens
  • Rapporti ISTISAN 96/35 Seconda parte _Terreni di coltura e Reagenti
  • ISO 7937 (2004) Microbiology – General guidance for enumeration of Clostridium perfringens- Colony count technique.
  • NF EN ISO 7937 (V 08-019). Février 2005. Microbiologie des aliments. Méthode horizontale pour le dénombrement de Clostridium perfringens. Technique par comptage des colonies.
  • Rapporti ISTISAN, n°07/5 Metodi analitici di riferimento per le acque destinate al consumo umano Met A005B Rev00
  • UNI EN ISO 7937:2005 Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodo orizzontale per la conta di Clostridium perfringens Tecnica della conta delle colonie
  • ISO 14189:2013 Water quality – Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens – Method using membrane filtration
  • ISO 152313-2:2023 Microbiology of the chain – Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens spp Part 2 : Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens by colony-count technique.
  • UNI EN ISO 15213-2 :2024 Microbiologia della catena alimentare _ Metodo orizzontale per la ricerca e la conta di Clostridium perfringens spp. – Parte 2: Enumerazione di Clostridium perfringens mediante tecnica di conteggio delle colonie.
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