Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar (Mossel) is a selective medium used for Enterobacteriaceae isolation from foods subjected to thermic treatments. V.R.B.G. is formulated according to UNI EN ISO 21528-1/2 e AFNOR NF V08- 054 and is different from V.R.B.A. due to the different fermentable substrates used.
- Cod. H70.315 Pack. 10 bags Hydrobag® (1 bag /1 litre of medium)
- Cod. B70.315 Pack. 5 Kg
- Cod. 70.315 Pack. 500 g
- Cod. 71.315 Pack. 100 g
- Cod. 14.0085V Pack. 20 plates ø 90 mm
- Cod. 11.0046 Pack. 5 x 4 contact plates ø 55 mm
- Cod. 90.070 Pack. 10 test-tubes 22 ml
- Cod. 20.069 Pack. 6 bottles 100 ml
- Cod. 20.164 Pack. 6 bottles 200 ml
- Cod. 20.165 Pack. 6 bottles 500 ml
- ISO 7402 Microbiology - General Guidance for the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae without resuscitation. MPN technique and colony count technique 1993-09-15
- ISO 8523 Microbiology - General Guidance for the detection of Enterobacteriaceae with pre-enrichment. 1991-10-01
- ISO 21528-1:2004 (NF V08-039-1) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal methods for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae -- Part 1: Detection and enumeration by MPN technique with pre-enrichment
- ISO 21528-2:2004 (NF V08-039-2) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal methods for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae -- Part 2: Colony-count method
- NF V08- 054(2009) Microbiologie des aliments . Dénombrement des entérobactéries presumes par comptage des colonies obtenues à 30°C ou à 37°C.
- UNI ISO 21528-1:2010 Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodi orizzontali per la ricerca e la conta di Enterobatteriacee - Parte 1: Ricerca e conta tramite tecnica MPN con pre-arricchimento
- UNI ISO 21528-2:2010 Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodi orizzontali per la ricerca e la conta di Enterobatteriacee - Parte 2: Metodo della conta delle colonie