TCBS Agar medium (Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar) is formulated according to Kobayashi, Enomoto, Sakasaki e Kuwabara, It is recommended for the selective isolation of Vibrio Cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus from clinical specimens (ISO 8914) and food (ISO/TS 21872-2 and ISTISAN R. 96/35).
Fecal samples can be sown directly on the medium, after enriched with alkaline peptonate water.
- Cod. H.70.170 Pack. 10 bags Hydrobag (1 /500 ml of medium)
- Cod. B70.170 Pack. 5 Kg
- Cod. 70.170 Pack. 500 g
- Cod. 71.170 Pack. 100 g
- Cod. 14.0071V Pack. 20 plates
- Cod. 18.0114 Pack. 10 test-tubes
- Cod. 20.060 Pack. 6 bottles 100 ml
- ISO 8914:1990 - Microbiology - General Guidance for the detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus 1990-12-01
- Isenberg, (Ed.), 1992,
- AOAC (1995) - Official Method of Analysis, 16th Ed
- Rapporti ISTISAN 96/35 Metodi di analisi per il controllo Microbiologico degli alimenti Metodi 22/23
- Raccolta dei metodi di analisi microbiologica degli alimenti, 4 ° Ed., (2001)
- ISO/TS 21872-2: 2007 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the detection of potentially enteropathogenic Vibrio spp. - Part 2: Detection of species other than Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae