




Nutrient Agar is a non selective media for general use in the laboratory, indicated for the cultivation of non particular microorganisms; it is formulated according to ISO 6579, ISO 8523 and ISO 10273.

It can be used as a base for the preparation of selective mediums or for enrichment with the addition of different ingredients. Nutrient Agar can be used in sanitary and industrial bacteriology or utilised for the multiplication of microorganisms in the production of vaccines and antigens in general. Colonies can be transplanted from selective media to be submitted for identification by biochemical or serological tests. They are also recommended by APHA when bacteriologically examining water and meat/dairy food products.

Nutrient Agar can be also used for maintaining bacteria stock; in this case, the stock is seminated into a test-tube onto the medium that is solidified on sloped.


  • Cod. H.70.115 Pack. 10 bags / 230 g Hydrobag® (1 x 1 litre of medium) 
  • Cod. B70.115 Pack. 5 Kg
  • Cod. 70.115 Pack. 500 g
  • Cod. 71.115 Pack. 100 g
  • Cod. 14.0002V Pack. 20 plates ø 90 mm, ready to use
  • Cod. 18.0097 Pack. 10 test-tubes on sloped, ready to use
  • Cod. 20.036 Pack. 6 bottles 100 ml, ready to use
  • Cod. 90.020 Pack. 10 test-tubes 22 ml, for plates preparation


  • Rapporti ISTISAN 96/35-Metodi di analisi per controllo degli alimenti
  • U.S. PHARMACOPEIA 24, NF 19 (2000)
  • ISO/DIS 10273 2003 Microbiologie-Directive genérales pour la recherche des Yersinia enterocolitica presumées pathogens.
  • ISO 10273-2003:-Microbiology - General guidance for the detection of presumptive pathogenic Y.enterocolitica pathogens.
  • ISO 21567:2004 Micobiology of food and animal feeding stuff – Horizontal method for the detection of shigella
  • UNI EN ISO 10273:2005 Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodo orizzontale per la ricerca di Yersinia Enterecolitica patogena presunta  
  • ISO 16654:2001 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal method for the detection of Escherichia coli O157
  • UNI EN ISO 16654:2003_Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodo orizzontale per la ricerca di Escherichia coli O157
  • NF EN ISO 6579/A1 (V 08-013/A1). Janvier 2008. Microbiologie des aliments. Méthode horizontale pour la recherche des Salmonella spp.. Amendement 1 Annex e D : recherche de Salmonella spp. dans les matières fécales des animaux et dans des échantillons au stade de la production primaire.
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