m-CP Agar is a selective and chromogenic medium used for the presumptive identification of Clostridium perfringens in waters.
The lack of B-D-glucosidase activity and the ability to ferment sucrose by Clostridium perfringens cause its growth with yellow colonies. Other species of clostrides appear purple, due to the inability to ferment sucrose; or blue / green for the ability to hydrolyze the indoxyl B-D glucoside and ferment sucrose.
Add to the basic medium the supplements m-CP Chromo Selective Supplement (Cod. 76.170) and m-CP Phenolphthalein Supplement (Cod. 76.171)
- Cod. B70.178 Pack. 5 Kg
- Cod. 70.178 Pack. 500 g
- Cod. 71.178 Pack. 100 g
- Cod. 60.100V Pack. 20 plates ø 60 mm, ready to use
- ARPAT_2005 Guida pratica per l’esecuzione di prove microbiologiche su alimenti e acque potabili e minerali
- Rapporti ISTISAN 07/5_ Metodi analitici di riferimento per le acque destinate al consumo umano ai sensi del DL.vo 31/2001. Metodi microbiologici - Clostridium perfringens Metodo - ISS A 005A rev. 00