M.S.A. is a selective medium for the isolation and presumptive identification of Staphylococcus aureus in clinicals and/or cosmetics specimens (UNI ISO 22718).
The high sodium chloride content present in the medium inhibits the growth of other microorganisms, allowing the development of Staphylococci only; the presence of mannitol with a pH indicator (phenol red) makes possible to differentiate between staphylococci, pathogens that ferment mannitol from non-pathogenic ones that do not ferment mannitol.
Among the Staphylococci, the only strain fermenting mannitol with acid production is Staphylococcus aureus, whose colonies have a yellow-gold coloration. The name of this species comes from the typical yellow-gold color of the colonies, surrounded by a yellow halo.
- Cod. H.70.105 Pack. 10 bags Hydrobag® (1 bag /500 ml of medium)
- Cod. B70.105 Pack. 5 Kg
- Cod. 70.105 Pack. 500 g
- Cod. 71.105 Pack. 100 g
- Cod. 14.0035V Pack. 20 plates ø 90 mm
- Cod. 60.64V Pack. 20 plates ø 60 mm
- Cod. 11.0040 Pack. 20 contact plates ø 55 mm
- Cod. 20.055 Pack. 6 bottles 100 ml
- Cod.20.073 Pack. 6 bottles 200 ml
- XP CEN ISO/TS 11133- 2 (V 08-104-2) Janvier 2004. Microbiologie des aliments. Guide pour la préparation et la production des milieux de culture. Partie 2 : Guide général pour les essais de performance des milieux de culture.
- NCCLS document M22-A3, 2004. Quality Assurance for Commercially prepared Microbiological Culture Media-2 nd ed.; Approved Standard.
- NF T 90 -461 Jiullet 2001 et NF T 90 -461/A1. Juin 2005 Qualité de l’eau_ Microbiologie. Contrôle qualité des milieux de culture.
- USP, 29 Ed. (2006). Microbial limit Test, 2503,2508
- XP T 90-412 juin 2006 Qualité de l’eau_ Microbiologie Recherche et dénombrement des staphylocoques pathogènes. Méthode par filtration sur membrane.
- NF T 90-421 Aout 2006. Essais des eaux. Examens bactériologiques des eaux de piscines.
- ISO 22718. Février 2006. Cosmetiques_Microbiologie. Détection de Staphylococcus aureus
- NF EN ISO 22718 (T 75-605). Septembre 2009. Cosmetiques_Microbiologie. Détection de Staphylococcus aureus
- UNI ISO 22718 :2009 Cosmetici_ Microbiologia – Ricerca di Staphylococcus aureus
- Rapporti Istisan 07/5 Metodi analitici di riferimento per le acque destinate al consumo umano ai sensi del DL.vo 31/2001. Metodi microbiologici
- ISO 18593:2004 Microbiology of food and animai feeding stuffs - Horizontal methods for sampling techniques from surfaces using contact plates and swabs.