EC BROTH is a medium prepared in accordance with the formulation by Hajna and Perry, for the cultivation and differentiation of faecal Coliforms and E.coli, from waters and food. The formulation is in accordance with different official methods: reported by APHA in the "Standard Methods" and by APAT CNR IRSA Man 29/2003 for the confirmation test for faecal coliforms in waters (surface, river, lake or wastewater subjected to treatment) with MPN method.
In accordance with ISO 7251:2005 standard EC Broth is a selective medium for presumptive research and enumeration of Escherichia coli in food, milk and molluscs.
Cod. 70.875 Pack. 500 g
- NF ISO 7251. Septembre 1994. Microbiologie. Directives générales pour le dénombrement d’Escherichia coli présumés. Technique du nombre le plus probable.
- FIL-IDF 170A: 1999. Lait et produits laitiers. Dénombrement d’Escherichia coli présumés: Partie 1: La technique du nombre le plus probable.
- ISO 7251:2005 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli -- Most probable number technique