Cromogenic E. coli O157 is a selective medium for the presumptive differentiation of E. coli O 157. The formulation of the medium is in accordance with UNI EN ISO 16654:2003 standard. The medium is particularly suitable for the analysis of highly contaminated food samples.
Differentiation is possible thanks to the presence of the chromogenic mixture which permits the growth of purple pink E.coli O 157. The colonies of the other coliforms grow in blue-violet color, allowing an easy distinction of contaminants. The selectivity is ensured by the bile salts that inhibit gram-positive microorganisms. The presence of cefixime and potassium tellurite inhibit the growth of E. coli strains, not belonging to the O157 serogroup.
- Cod.14.0653V Pack. 20 plates 90 mm
- Cod. 60.99 V Pack. 20 plates 60 mm
- ISO 16654:2001 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal method for the detection of Escherichia coli O157
- UNI EN ISO 16654:2003_Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodo orizzontale per la ricerca di Escherichia coli O157
- HEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY (2004). Identification of Escherichia Coli 0157. National Standard Method BSOP ID 22 Emissione 1