EGG YOLK EMULSION + POLYMYXIN B is a 50% sterile egg yolk emulsion added to Polymyxin B, used to identify Bacillus cereus species, according to FDA Chapter 14 method.
Agar Bacillus Cereus is a highly selective medium, for the isolation, diagnosis and determination of B. cereus in food as indicated by the FDA Chapter 14 method. The supplement consists of the complete 50% egg emulsion of polymyxin B (selective agent). B. cereus is responsible for some food poisoning resulting from the ingestion of foods, in which the bacillus has multiplied, producing significant amounts of toxin. Toxic infection, caused by an emetic toxin responsible for vomiting, and by an enterotoxin responsible for diarrhea, appears within six hours of ingesting contaminated food. The most offending food is cooked rice.
- Cod. 76.262 Pack. 6 × 100 ml (1 bottle/1 litre of complete medium)
- Rapporti ISTISAN 96/35 Met.14 pag 66-70
- Rapporti ISTISAN 96/35 Seconda parte pag. 129
- UNI EN ISO 7932:2005 Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodo orizzontale per la conta di Bacillus cereus presunto Tecnica della conta delle colonie a 30 °C