Blood Agar Base N°2 has a nutrient composition that allows a more luxuriant growth of fastidious pathogenic microorganism, such as Streptococcus, Pneumococcus and Campylobacter spp. The Blood Agar Base with a defibrinated horse blood supplement allows to isolate emofili from remaining contaminant flora. The midium is also regulated by UNI EN ISO 11290 / UNI EN ISO 7932 / R. ISTISAN 96/35 methods for differential testing and / or in bacterial identification confirmation tests.
De Miguel et al. formulated CITA Agar Selective medium in 2011; which has proven particularly suitable for the detection and isolation of the different species of Brucella. The new formulation as shown in the recent revision (O.I.E. manual 2016 Chapter 2.1.4) that allows the development of all species of Brucella with satisfactory inhibition of contaminating microorganisms.
Packing Blood Agar N°2:
- Cod. H.70.021 Pack. 10 Hydrosoluble bags Hydrobag® (1 bag /1 liter)
- Cod. B.70.021 Pack. 5 Kg
- Cod. 70.021 Pack. 500 g
- Cod. 71.021 Pack. 100 g
- Cod. 14.0644V Pack. 20 plates 90 mm. + ram blood 5%
Packing CITA Agar:
- Cod. 14.0690V CITA Agar (Man. O.I.E.) Pack. 20 plates ∅ 90 mm, ready to use
- Cod. 70.021 Base Pack. 500 g + Cod. 76.048 CITA Selective Supplement Pack. 10 bottle + Cod. 21.0168 sterile bovine serum Pack. 10 bottle 25 ml
- Cod. 71.021 Base Pack. 100 g + Cod. 76.048 CITA Selective Supplement Pack. 10 bottle + Cod. 21.0168 Sterile bovine serum Pack. 10 bottle 25 ml