CAMPYLOBACTER GROWTH SUPPLEMENT is a growth supplement used for isolation, reasearch and cultivation of Campylobacter spp. according with ISO /ISTISAN standards. Components favor the growth and aerotolerance of Campylobacter strains even if damaged, favoring recovery on the medium. The supplement is indicated for the production of various agarized media (Skirrow- Blaser Wang- Foetus-Preston) and enrichment broths (Preston).
- Cod. 76.201 Pack. 10 vials (1 vial /500 ml)
- ISO 10272:2002 -Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- Horizontal method for detection of thermotolerant Campylobacter
- NMKL 119 Rev ISO 10272:2006 Thermotolerant Campylobacter.Detection and enumeration of in food
- UNI EN ISO 10272-1:2006 - Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodo orizzontale per la ricerca e la conta di Campylobacter spp. - Parte 1: Metodo per la ricerca
- UNI EN ISO/TS 10272-3:2010 Microbiologia di alimenti e mangimi per animali - Metodo orizzontale per la ricerca e la conta di Campylobacter spp. - Parte 3: Metodo semi quantitativo
- Rapporti ISTISAN 96/35 . metodi di analisi per il controllo microbiologico degli alimenti- Met.17 Ricerca di Campylobacter termoresistente (pag 79-83)
- O.I.E. Manual 2008 – chapter 2.9.3