In the common culture medium C. Perfringens rarely sporulate, to induce sporulation, therefore, the use of particular medium such as the Sportulation Broth is essential. Sportulation Broth is formulated in accordance with the APHA and FDA Chapter 16 methods for the search for C. Perfringens in foods.
Cod. 70.387 Pack. 500 g
Cod. 18.0209 Pack. 10 Tubes of 15 ml, ready to use
APHA,Washington, D.C Speck M. L., (Eds.), 1984, Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods, 2nd Ed., Wells C. L., Wilkins T. D., 1996, Barrons Medical Microbiology (Barron S. et al, Eds.), 4th Ed., Univ. of TexasMedical Branch
ARPA Bologna – Ravenna – Dossier 30 (1997)- Metodi microbiologici per lo studio delle matrici alimentari
FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 8th Edition, Revision A, 1998. Chapter 16.
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